Beiträge von cojocaru razvan

    Hello, I'm facing a problem and I can not find a solution. I use osmosis water in aquariums for 3 years until now I did not have this problem raise me ph, when I change the water I have 5.7 after 1 day I have 7 , 2-7.4, the substrate is benibachi, sirakura, akadama, help, some have 1luna, other 6luni, 1an, I wrinkled aquarium substrate, I made a 90% water change.

    Bună ziua, am o problemă cu care se confruntă și nu pot găsi o soluție. Eu folosesc apa osmoza in acvariu timp de trei ani , până acum nu am avut această problemă-mi ridica ph, Când m - am schimba apa am 5.7 după o zi am 7, 2-7.4, substraturile este benibachi, sirakura, akadama, ajuta , unele au 1luna, altele 6luni, 1an, am încrețită substraturi acvariu, am făcut o schimbare de apă de 90%.

    Hello , Tom . I have a problem and I can't slove it .. i have benibachi shrimps prl taiwan bee , the aquarium has 60 L , i ve put 10 mineral balls, mironekuton stone , bee shrimp mineral gh+ , biozyme , potytase ,pudding classic , bactery ae , betaglucan , ro water , tank water , ph 6,2-6,5, kh 2,gh3,no2-0,no3-10mg/l , tds 160 .. If i want to grow gh also grows tds .. I wait for an answer .. Thank you

    Hello , Tom . I have a problem and I can't slove it .. i have benibachi shrimps prl taiwan bee , the aquarium has 60 L , i ve put 10 mineral balls, mironekuton stone , bee shrimp mineral gh+ , biozyme , potytase ,pudding classic , bactery ae , betaglucan , ro water , tank water , ph 6,2-6,5, kh 2,gh3,no2-0,no3-10mg/l , tds 160 .. If i want to grow gh also grows tds .. I wait for an answer .. Thank you